That's me in the top right corner.
Taken in the train after last session at Hillsong Conference in Sydney.

A journal that seeks to influence others in a positive manner and bring encouragement through sharing my thoughts, collections and reflections on varied issues of life. Also anything that interests me.
Many of us struggle with understanding the meaning of righteousness and living in righteousness. I've come to realise that it is possible to live in righteousness not in my own strength but through the help of the Holy Spirit. Day by day, God is helping me to become more like Him. It's been a long and difficult journey, but all worth it. This does not mean I've arrived yet though, the road is still a long one.
Thank You My King and Shepherd for leading me beside still waters and peaceful pastures. You have been My strength and My shield. Thank You Jesus for being My friend. I love you, Lord. I love You, My Heavenly Father - Daddy.