7 Mountains of a Society

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Revival Fire

"I set myself on fire and people come to watch me burn." - John Wesley (1703 - 1791)

(Paraphrasing - When you set yourself on fire with the fire of the Holy Spirit, people come to watch you burn).

"John Wesley prayed, and revival came to England, sparing that nation the horrors of the French Revolution" - Billy Graham.

Written on 24/1/10 @ 12:50am
Consuming Fire

Consume me (us) with your fire, O Lord
Consume me (us)

Burn in me (us) a deep desire for You

Burn in my (our) heart(s) a passion to see Your Kingdom come
On earth as it is in Heaven

(c) 2010 Jacqueline Khoo

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dreams Do Come True

I believe that dreams and the desires of your heart do come true. When you surrender them to God, He works behind the scenes to get you to where you need to go and be. Most often, when the dreams and desires are to be fulfilled, testings and trials come. They are just tests to see if you are serious about those dreams and desires. How you respond during those testings and trials will in someway determine the outcome of it all. Question to settle within yourself is whether you're going to stay in faith believing in God's promise or just give up because it's too difficult and painful. Well, winners don't quit and quitters don't win. God says that a person who doubts is like a ship in the sea, tossed to and fro - this kind of person won't receive what they ask for. Therefore, stay in faith. Believe in God's promises. And see your dreams and desires come to pass. I have started seeing my dreams and desires slowly come to pass and I believe more is on its way. :-)