7 Mountains of a Society

Friday, October 22, 2010

Not Guilty Anymore - by Aaron Keyes

A beautiful and powerful song...

It doesn't matter what you've done
It doesn't matter where you're coming from
Doesn't matter where you've been
Hear me tell you I forgive

You're not guilty anymore
You're not filthy anymore
I love you mercy is yours
You're not broken anymore
You're not captive anymore
I love you mercy is yours

Verse 2
Can you believe that this is true
Grace abundant I am giving you
Cleansing deeper than you know
All was paid for long ago

(Repeat Chorus)

Bridge 1
There is now therefore no condemnation
For those who are in Jesus

Bridge 2
You are spotless You are holy
You are faultless You are whole
You are righteous You are blameless
You are pardoned You are mine

Copyright © 2008 Thankyou Music (PRS) (adm. worldwide at EMICMGPublishing.com excluding Europe which is adm. by kingswaysongs.com) All rights reserved.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I Love You

A poem about God's love for me. His faithfulness to me when everything around me seemed chaotic, broken and dark. 
Written on 25/8/10 & 10/10/10.

In my brokenness, You embraced me
In my darkest night, You held me
You did not let me go
You did not leave me
You sat there at the end of my bed
You sat there on my computer chair
You held me, and
You cried with me
You never let a day go by
Without You telling me, "I Love You!"

You say it through the sun that shines in the day
You say it through the moon that glows in the night 
You say it through the stars that twinkle in the sky
You say it through hugs from friends
You say it through mama's cooking
You say it through papa's hugs and kisses
You never let a day go by
Without You (Daddy God) telling me, "I Love You!"

(c) 2010 Jacqueline Khoo

Monday, September 13, 2010

Beni Johnson - Spiritual Warfare

Beni shares about spiritual warfare and about the intercessor teams at Bethel.

"Our warfare comes out of rest...joy...and intimacy"

Spiritual warfare - 0:00
developing intercessor team - 1:57
question about tongues - 5:28

Check out Beni Johnson's site:

The full version of this message can be found at:
iBethel.Tv is a production of Bethel Church:

Keys to the Miraculous

Chris shares some keys on how to develop a lifestyle of demonstrating the gospel with power.

1. Baptism of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2, 4)
2. Kingdom mindsets (God is good, all the time, He's in a good mood, nothing is impossible)
3. Continual relationship with Holy Spirit (are you best friends? are you always hanging out together?)
4. Dreaming with the eyes of your heart
5. Risk (faith, God doesn't reward success, he rewards faith)
6. Feeding the testimonies
7. Fellowship with FIRE

Chris Overstreet is the Outreach Pastor at Bethel Church:


Wednesday, September 01, 2010

The Gate of Heaven

When God gives me a passage in the Scripture, it is mine and everything in it is mine to experience and encounter...

Friday, August 27, 2010

Jesus' Hug

Last night, I had a dream. In this dream, I saw Jesus. He was wearing a reddish checkered shirt. (I'm not surprised though, 'cos if He was here with us right here right now, He would be wearing the kind of clothes we would wear.) He had curly beard on the sides of His face. There were other people there too. Then it changed scene to the one depicted below and now Jesus was wearing His white garment.
In this dream/scene, He gave me a real good hug. And as I hugged him back, I found and saw myself literally sinking right into and inside Him. A lot of the feelings that I experienced was undescribable. What I did feel though was comfort, peace, gentleness, acceptance and love. I did not get to see His eyes. Ohhh...I would so love to be able to look into His eyes.

(Below is the closest depiction of what I saw & experienced in the hug.)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Saturday, July 10, 2010

God Does Answer The Cry Of My Heart

I am so very thankful to God for friends that hear God. And at the same time, vulnerable enough to share what they are going through and what God has said or shown them. In a time, when I myself have been going though some stuff - somehow, at the right time, He sends them my way to pray for me, encourage me and challenge me to be who God has created me to be and to go higher. The best thing of all is that, all of them bring confirmation to what God is speaking to me right now. I know now that I am not alone. There are people who have gone before me to help guide me and point me in the right direction.

Just a note to myself so I don't forget - The answer to the question of what God is testing me for, is this - WAIT, Patience, Perserverence (& the dog illustration - only those that obey the master's command gets chosen for the task). Therefore, WAIT, I shall. Not passively though, but setting my face like flint and pursuing God and keeping my eyes on Him - the finisher and perfector of my faith. For He alone holds the key to all that He has called me to be. All God's promises are YES & AMEN! Because God is not a liar, therefore what He has spoken WILL come to pass. His Word never returns void.

I realise now that Heavenly Father sometimes withholds things from us is not because He's being mean. He knows that if He were to give it to us whenever we demand or ask Him for something - then it might very well destroy us or others because we are not mature enough to handle that thing yet. He also don't want us to turn out to be like spoilt brats. It is out of His love that He waits to give it to us. It is His good pleasure to give us good gifts because all good gifts come from Him.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Living in Faith and Surrender to God

I had a great time at Planet Shakers this evening. What Ps. Russell Evans preached spoke heaps to me. What I got out of his sermon is this:

- To live a life that will bring transformation to people around you, you'll have to live a life of total abandonment to God - that means full surrender. In order to live this sort of life, I'll have to live not a fearful life but a faith-filled life. I have to fully trust God. Many times we listen to the voice of the enemy, instead of listening to the voice of our Heavenly Father. We need to listen the voice of the Winner instead of the Loser.

- I would also have to start changing my attitudes over things that God has placed in my life to accomplish - however "mundane" it may be. That means, I'd have to stop viewing everyday stuff as "chores" and start doing them with a sense of love and purpose - because what I do affects everything and everyone around me.

- Another thing that Ps. Russell preached on - is that when we love others, give to others or forgive others, we do them without expecting anything in return. That means, others can then be free to do likewise to others around them. That way, a lot more people can be touched and blessed.

Well this is just a short summary of the sermon. I'm glad I went. What a timely message for me.

"I thank You God for being so kind to me for leading and setting me back in the right direction. I thank You for loving me so much and for helping me fulfill the plans and the call that You have for my life. I thank You, Abba Daddy for not giving up on me and for being patient with me. And also for cheering me on. I love You. :-) "

Sunday, June 20, 2010

These too shall pass!

I feel God is saying, "All the pain, the feelings of abandonment that you're walking through right now. All these shall pass. For I am gathering you under My wings just as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings. And nothing can seperate My Love for you, for you are the apple of My eye. You are my beloved son. You are my beloved daughter. And I Love You!"

Bill Johnson - You Already Have an Open Heaven

Bill Johnson - Being Aware of His Presence

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Jesus Culture - Holding Nothing Back

My chains fell off my heart was free
I'm alive to live for you
I'm alive to live for you
Amazing love how can it be?
Cause You gave everything for me
You gave everything for me.....

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Jesus Culture - Chris Quilala - Dance With Me

Won't You dance with me, Oh Lover of my soul?...

Your Love Is Everything by Chris Quilala (Jesus Culture)

Your love heals every disease
Your love fulfills my every need
Your love is everything to me
Your love is everything...

I won't forget your promises...

We Are The Reason

Every time I watch this clip, it touches me so deeply, I end up crying.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

With God All Things Are Possible

Written on 7/2/10 - 11:50pm

No matter what the circumstances

No matter what the situation
Even if things that are impossible with man
With God ALL things are possible
There is nothing that is impossible with God
There is nothing God can't solve

No matter what the season
No matter what the time
God can solve it in HIS Time
Not a moment too early
Not a moment too late
He is always right on time
(c) 2010 Jacqueline Khoo

SO, trust in the Lord with all your heart
And lean not on your own understanding
And He shall make you paths straight.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Revival Fire

"I set myself on fire and people come to watch me burn." - John Wesley (1703 - 1791)

(Paraphrasing - When you set yourself on fire with the fire of the Holy Spirit, people come to watch you burn).

"John Wesley prayed, and revival came to England, sparing that nation the horrors of the French Revolution" - Billy Graham.

Written on 24/1/10 @ 12:50am
Consuming Fire

Consume me (us) with your fire, O Lord
Consume me (us)

Burn in me (us) a deep desire for You

Burn in my (our) heart(s) a passion to see Your Kingdom come
On earth as it is in Heaven

(c) 2010 Jacqueline Khoo

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dreams Do Come True

I believe that dreams and the desires of your heart do come true. When you surrender them to God, He works behind the scenes to get you to where you need to go and be. Most often, when the dreams and desires are to be fulfilled, testings and trials come. They are just tests to see if you are serious about those dreams and desires. How you respond during those testings and trials will in someway determine the outcome of it all. Question to settle within yourself is whether you're going to stay in faith believing in God's promise or just give up because it's too difficult and painful. Well, winners don't quit and quitters don't win. God says that a person who doubts is like a ship in the sea, tossed to and fro - this kind of person won't receive what they ask for. Therefore, stay in faith. Believe in God's promises. And see your dreams and desires come to pass. I have started seeing my dreams and desires slowly come to pass and I believe more is on its way. :-)