7 Mountains of a Society

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Loving God

I used to think that by just serving God, I am loving Him. That is, until recently. I realised that in a healthy & thriving relationship between 2 people, there needs to be the giving and receiving of love. That is the same with God. The most impacting thing that God spoke to me was that He loves us through people He sends our way. I mean, I know that theologically but it never really sunk in to my heart in a practical sense, until now. At the same time, I know I have been putting up walls around my heart so I won't get hurt. Never did me any good by doing that. But I thank God for His loving kindness toward me in that He has been showing me the blessed way to live life. At times it was painful, but yet after a "heart surgery", I come out a better person. Learning to love - to really love has been a challenge for me as I grew up with a lot of pain and hurt in my life. Having to open myself up to people was a scary thing to do, but once I overcame that fear of rejection, it is the most liberating thing ever. Therefore, I encourage anyone who's facing the same thing that I've gone through, to not be afraid to learn to love. Because, love casts out all fear and there's no fear inside of love.