A Freak Accident.
Does God only use what we have gone through, to minister to others who are going through similar situations. Does God stop short at that? I think not. I believe God can use us to minister into the lives of others even without us having to go though what others are going through. God is the one who knows exactly what the other person is going through. He wants His servants to partner with Him in bringing deliverance to those who are in need. The challenge for us all (His servants, including myself) is this - are we willing to lay aside our time to intercede for someone until we see a breakthough in their lives not matter how long it may take? Are we willing to put aside our lives in answering to His call to care for the person He puts in our hearts to care for? My encouragement to us is this - Let us be God's hands and feet in bringing healing and deliverance into the lives of people whom He loves and care for. Heavenly Father is eagerly awaiting the return of the prodigals. Jesus Christ is longing for the return of His Bride - the Church. Let us listen to God's heartcry.Want to share something that I believe is God's heartcry for His people. Wrote this song on 7/4/99 at 11:40pm and 11/4/99 at 10:30pm. It's called THE HEART OF CHRIST.The heart of Christ,Is full of compassion, mercy and love.To have the heart of Christ,Would we be able to carry itWith our human heart?Would we be able to bear the painThat He feels for His beloved Bride,When she goes astray?Drifting further and further away from His grace?Return, return, My LoveMy beautiful bride.How I long to see your faceAnd hear your sweet voice.Turn, turn away from your wicked ways.Oh! How My heart longs for the return of My BrideMy precious, precious Bride.Is there one, among youWho hear the beating of My heart?Is there one, among youWho would call out to My bride,To return to her First Love?Blessed are those who hear the beating of My heart.Blessed are those who feel the pain in My heart.Blessed are those who heed the calling of My heart,Blessed are those who heed the calling of My heart,And return to Me.(1999) JSY