7 Mountains of a Society

Friday, July 23, 2010

Sunday, July 11, 2010

My Beloved - Kari Jobe

God is singing over and wooing us (His Bride) with this beautiful song.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

God Does Answer The Cry Of My Heart

I am so very thankful to God for friends that hear God. And at the same time, vulnerable enough to share what they are going through and what God has said or shown them. In a time, when I myself have been going though some stuff - somehow, at the right time, He sends them my way to pray for me, encourage me and challenge me to be who God has created me to be and to go higher. The best thing of all is that, all of them bring confirmation to what God is speaking to me right now. I know now that I am not alone. There are people who have gone before me to help guide me and point me in the right direction.

Just a note to myself so I don't forget - The answer to the question of what God is testing me for, is this - WAIT, Patience, Perserverence (& the dog illustration - only those that obey the master's command gets chosen for the task). Therefore, WAIT, I shall. Not passively though, but setting my face like flint and pursuing God and keeping my eyes on Him - the finisher and perfector of my faith. For He alone holds the key to all that He has called me to be. All God's promises are YES & AMEN! Because God is not a liar, therefore what He has spoken WILL come to pass. His Word never returns void.

I realise now that Heavenly Father sometimes withholds things from us is not because He's being mean. He knows that if He were to give it to us whenever we demand or ask Him for something - then it might very well destroy us or others because we are not mature enough to handle that thing yet. He also don't want us to turn out to be like spoilt brats. It is out of His love that He waits to give it to us. It is His good pleasure to give us good gifts because all good gifts come from Him.