7 Mountains of a Society

Monday, March 10, 2008

Walking by Faith

Last night, I went walking with a friend. She took her daughter and her dog with her. It was towards the end of the day and the sky was getting dark. By the time we were heading home, the sky had already turned dark. We had to take a short cut at one stage to get home quicker. The path that we took had no lights whatsoever - so it was pitch black. It was in a way scary. So we had to use the dog named Angel who happens to be white to help lead the way. The dog was in a way a source of protection as well. As we were going through that stretch of path, it reminded me of God's Word being a light & guide to our path and also a source of protection for us if we follow His Word. Most of all, it takes faith to let the Word of God guide us as many times we can't see where we are going but God can. It can be a scary journey whether long or short. But the bottom line is that as long as we have the Word of God to lead and guide us, then we are sure to be safe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jacqui, I love the analogy. Its so true.