7 Mountains of a Society

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Praising God in the midst of Barrenness

Yesterday, I went for a little walk and catch up with a girlfriend of mine. At this point, where we stopped, while chatting, I saw this tree. It looked like it had hands uplifted towards the sky praising God and thanking Him. The thing about this tree was that it did not have any leaves. It had only a trunk and a couple of branches. (See photo).

At that moment, God spoke to me about my own situation - if a tree that's barren can praise God - so can I. I can praise God in the midst of barrenness.  It's when in times of your life where you have absolutely nothing and don't even feel like praising God - that you deliberately and intentionally praise God anyway. That's what I believe it means to give a sacrifice of praise to God.

I also felt God saying to me - "I challenge you to do that and see what happens....".

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