7 Mountains of a Society

Friday, November 18, 2005

Sunday, October 09, 2005

How does God use us to minister into the lives of others?

Does God only use what we have gone through, to minister to others who are going through similar situations. Does God stop short at that? I think not. I believe God can use us to minister into the lives of others even without us having to go though what others are going through. God is the one who knows exactly what the other person is going through. He wants His servants to partner with Him in bringing deliverance to those who are in need. The challenge for us all (His servants, including myself) is this - are we willing to lay aside our time to intercede for someone until we see a breakthough in their lives not matter how long it may take? Are we willing to put aside our lives in answering to His call to care for the person He puts in our hearts to care for? My encouragement to us is this - Let us be God's hands and feet in bringing healing and deliverance into the lives of people whom He loves and care for. Heavenly Father is eagerly awaiting the return of the prodigals. Jesus Christ is longing for the return of His Bride - the Church. Let us listen to God's heartcry.

Want to share something that I believe is God's heartcry for His people. Wrote this song on 7/4/99 at 11:40pm and 11/4/99 at 10:30pm. It's called THE HEART OF CHRIST.

The heart of Christ,
Is full of compassion, mercy and love.
To have the heart of Christ,
Would we be able to carry it
With our human heart?
Would we be able to bear the pain
That He feels for His beloved Bride,
When she goes astray?
Drifting further and further away from His grace?

Return, return, My Love
My beautiful bride.
How I long to see your face
And hear your sweet voice.
Turn, turn away from your wicked ways.
Oh! How My heart longs for the return of My Bride
My precious, precious Bride.

Is there one, among you
Who hear the beating of My heart?
Is there one, among you
Who would call out to My bride,
To return to her First Love?

Blessed are those who hear the beating of My heart.
Blessed are those who feel the pain in My heart.
Blessed are those who heed the calling of My heart,
Blessed are those who heed the calling of My heart,
And return to Me.

(1999) JSY

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Precious Stones

Just felt to write a poem reflecting the different aspects of God's love.

Discovering the Love of God,
Is like discovering precious stones.
The many facets of beauty and splendour,
How beautiful it is.
The sparkle and the shine,
Blue, green, red and gold.

(c) 1998 Jacqueline Khoo

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Cool Photo

That's me in the top right corner.
Taken in the train after last session at Hillsong Conference in Sydney. Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 11, 2005

What is Righteousness?

This website http://www.crossroad.to/Bible_studies/Wardrobe/chapter3.html is a worth a read. Explains the topic well.

Many of us struggle with understanding the meaning of righteousness and living in righteousness. I've come to realise that it is possible to live in righteousness not in my own strength but through the help of the Holy Spirit. Day by day, God is helping me to become more like Him. It's been a long and difficult journey, but all worth it. This does not mean I've arrived yet though, the road is still a long one.

Thank You My King and Shepherd for leading me beside still waters and peaceful pastures. You have been My strength and My shield. Thank You Jesus for being My friend. I love you, Lord. I love You, My Heavenly Father - Daddy.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

The Time of Waiting

Waiting for a future spouse to show up can be a difficult time. What do you do during that time? Is there a reason for that time? I believe there are.

As difficult as it may be during that time, I believe there are things God wants to work in the hearts of both our future spouse and ourself, in the face of soaring divorce rates, marriage breakdowns and adulteries - personally, I do not want to be part of those statistics.

From a woman's perspective, I would want to marry a man who knows how to treasure me even before we start our courtship. I believe that during this time of waiting, God wants us women to allow Him to work in the heart of our future spouse - that he'll keep his heart for us, work in areas of his character that needs changing, show him the plans and purposes God has for him and how to be a true prince.

God wants to work in our own hearts too. He wants to mould us into women who would see the plans and purposes God has for our husband's life fulfilled. We are to be his helper. God wants to work in our character as well. Most of all, God wants us to fully surrender our lives to Him. If not, we would tend to want things our own way and not learn submission.

He also wants us to do good to our husband all the days of our lives (that includes the time while we're still single). Proverbs 31:12 says, "She does him good and not evil all the days of her life". Hmm...if God aspects this of the wife, I believe it would be the same for the husband as well. Besides, God did tell us to love one another.

What are we to do while wating faithfully?
- Serve the Lord wholeheartedly,
- Pray for our future spouse and ourselves - that we would love God totally, walk in His ways and have the fear of the Lord in our lives. That we would be people of integrity, self-controlled, pure in heart, not given to lust or immorality and flee from temptations. That we have a discerning heart, be sensitive and obedient to God etc.
- Learn how to care for children and cultivate homemaking skills (start now, if you haven't already).
- Most importantly, surrender our whole life to God.

(Do click on the link at the side of the page that features a song called Faithfully. It's a beautiful song.)

Monday, March 14, 2005

Love of God

Here's a poem I wrote that I'd like to share about experiencing God's love in my life. The song Mercy Saw Me by Geron and Becky Davis/ASCAP (c)1997 Integrity Incoporated, inspired me to compose this poem.

(Written on 25/4/99 at 12:30am)
To know and to experience the Love of God
Is the most precious and wonderful gift of all
Having that Love in my heart
Makes my heart smile, sing, dance, cry and laugh
What love can compare with the Love of God?
Truly no one can love me the way my Lord loves me
Despite all my weaknesses and scars,
My Lord covers all that and sees me as beautiful
Made in the image of my Father in heaven
Beautiful is my Lord
Sweet is His Love
Oh, the Lover of my soul, my Bridegroom
How I long to be with You all the days of my life
Take me to be with You
To a place where my soul finds rest
To a place where my heart finds peace
Oh, how my heart yearns to be with You
My Jesus, my Lord, my Saviour, my Best Friend
My Lover, my Bridegroom.

(c) 1999 Jacqueline Khoo.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Obstacles in the midst of God's Promises

Ever face obstacles in the midst of God's promises for your life? I sure have and I'm sure you have too. But don't despair. This is what I realised:

I realised that obstacles in the midst of God's promises are more like stepping stones in the eyes of God, rather than boulders in our own human eyes.

remember to do this. (Click on the link to find out.)

Love in the midst of Sufferings.

There have been numerous times when I have asked God why I have to go through so much pain and suffering? During such times, I have thought that my heart would break or fail. But yet, in times like these, I know (not in the intellectual sense, but in my spirit) that God is there. I must say that it has taken me years to recognise His presence. All He tells me, is to trust in Him. All I know is that Jesus loves me still. Time and time again, drawing me to Him with His love. Out of such times, I have written a poem that I'd like to share:

(Poem written on 9/1/05)
Where can I go that You're not there?
Where can I hide where You'll not find me?
Even in the depths of sorrow, You are there.
What do I have that You have not given?
What do I need that You have not provided?
Your love is beyond measure.
More than words could ever express.

(c) 2005 Jacqueline Khoo.

Even in the midst of suffering may you come to know the love God has for you.


I have some questions. Why are people so covetous? Why are some people so intent on making someone else miserable just to get what they want but can't have? They scheme and manipulate - but at the end of it all, they make themselves all sick in their own soul - their mind, their emotions. No wonder God gave us this commandment in one of the Ten Commandments in Genesis 20:17, "You shall not covet your neighbour's house; you shall not covet your neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbour's".

Wouldn't we be far better off to trust God to provide for our needs? Well, God did say in Matthew 6:25-33, that we are not to worry about our needs. He tells us to look at the birds - they neither sow nor reap nor gather yet He feeds them. Even the lillies of the field - how they grow: they neither toil nor spin and yet, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Also, if God so clothes the grass of the field, will He not much more clothe us? Our Father in heaven tells us to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness - that's our part, then He will add all that we need to us - that's His part.

If we truly follow that with our whole heart, I believe we would see less strife between people. Not only that, I think we would enjoy a much healthier being. On that note, I'll leave you to think about it.

Misc. Quotes I Like

"Challenges make you discover things about yourself that you never really knew. They're what make the instrument stretch- what make you go beyond the norm." (Tyson)

"I touch the future. I teach." (Christa McAuliffe)

"If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere" - anonymous

"The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it." (Moliere)

"The least expensive education is to profit from the mistakes of ourselves and others." (Anonymous)

"A true test of a man's(woman's) character is not what he(she) does in the light, but what he(she) does in the dark." (Anonymous)

"It is in identifying yourself with the hopes, dreams, fears and longings of others that you may understand them and help them." (W.A. Peterson)

"As a general rule, teachers teach more by what they are than by what they say" (Anonymous)

"Humility does not mean you think less of yourself. It means you think of yourself less." - Ken Blanchard

"Good timber does not grow with ease; the stronger the wind, the stronger the trees"- J. Willard Marriott
(My thoughts - I believe in a way, this is true for relationships as well. Obstacles can strengthen the relationship and bring two people even closer. The key is in how we respond to each other. Rather than sweeping problems under the carpet, we should seek to resolve differences with love and forgiveness. The ability to communicate how we feel and see the situation and also the ability to see from the other person's point of view is important in helping to resolve conflicts.)

"What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?" - George Eliot

"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way" - J.C. Maxwell

"Furious activity is no substitute for understanding." (H.H. Williams)

"To teach well, we need not say all that we know, only what is useful for the pupil to hear" (Anon.)

"He who dares to teach must never cease to learn" (Anonymous)

First time posting

This is going to be exciting for me. What an interesting concept of being able to influence others through the internet. Being able to reach millions of people. Thanks to a friend of mine who indirectly introduced this to me. Thanks a million! What an awesome tool!

This is so true: "Short-term agony is nothing compared to eternal glory" - Taylor Glickman.